November Procedure of the Month: What does it take to contour the arms or remove batwings?
Posted October 28, 2020

What does it take to contour the arms or remove batwings?
Fall, Winter, and early Spring are the perfect time to address concerns regarding the upper arms. Cooler weather allows for long sleeves and sweaters so healing can take place inconspicuously. “Batwings” or “Bingo Arms” are some of the common terms patients use to describe their upper arms. Some women may find it difficult to wear fitted sleeves or sleeveless shirts without feeling self-conscious. Diet and exercise alone may not be enough to tone and tighten the arms. If this is an area that leaves you frustrated, you may wish to consider a surgical procedure that will remove the excess skin or fatty tissue. There are two things that are considered during a plastic surgery consultation regarding the upper arms.
Is it excess skin or fatty tissue?
During an initial consultation or exam, the upper portion of the arm is evaluated to determine the amount of excess skin versus fatty tissue. If there is good skin tone and the patient has more excess fat than excess skin, liposuction would be the first choice to correct the area. Liposuction involves the use of a small cannula that is inserted through a tiny incision above the elbow. The entire upper arm and back of the shoulder are contoured with the excess fat being removed. This is done as an outpatient procedure and requires two to three weeks of compression to the upper arm after surgery. Patients are back to work within several days and can typically resume all exercise within 1-2 weeks following surgery. This procedure produces nicely contoured arms with long-lasting results.
During the initial examination, if the upper arm has more excess skin than fatty tissue, then an arm lift, or Brachioplasty, is the better option to address the contour of the upper arms. This involves a surgical procedure that requires strategic placement of the incision on the upper, inner arm to remove the excess skin and hide the incision as much as possible. The goal is to create a smooth contour with minimally visible scars. There are sutures placed along the incision line, under the skin, that will dissolve on their own. A temporary drain is necessary and will be removed in the office four to five days after surgery. This is an outpatient procedure that has minimal pain postoperatively. Patients are typically back to work within 1 week and back to exercising after 3 weeks.
An examination by the surgeon will determine the best procedure for you.
During a cosmetic consultation, an examination is important as it allows the plastic surgeon to determine the best possible procedure to give the patient their desired aesthetic result. When addressing the upper arms, it is important to have the skin and tissue evaluated as the correct procedure is based on these findings. The surgical result is a smooth, balanced contour to the upper arms with minimal pain and downtime.
Request a Consultation
A consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Antimarino is an opportunity to ask questions and have a detailed discussion about Arm Lifts. Dr. Antimarino is available to see patients in Shadyside, Monroeville, and our Greensburg satellite location. Schedule your complimentary cosmetic consultation or a virtual consultation now.