Semi-Glutide Program

Our Approach to Semi-Glutides

We are taking a different approach to the semi-glutide weight loss drugs. Since their initial launch on the market, patients who use the drugs have experienced rapid weight loss, often unmonitored by a licensed physician or NP. These patients may not receive the right tools to keep the weight off and turn to familiar habits that caused the weight gain initially.

Our practice is launching our new Semi-Glutide program, emphasizing patient wellness and long-term results. This program is headed by our Nurse Practitioner, Angie Johnston, who has decades of experience. She will be partnering with our in-house dietary resource, Leslie Bonci, who will meet with patients to discuss their current eating habits, and tools for managing nutrition throughout their semi-glutide journey, and be available to create a post-treatment plan to ensure patients maintain their weight loss.

As an aesthetic practice, we also understand that some patients may experience uneven weight loss, as some pockets of excess fat may be stubborn. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Antimarino, is available for complimentary consultations to discuss what options may be right for patients. Additionally, we have Injectors on staff who can offer patients dermal filler solutions for maintaining a plump, youthful facial contour as they progress through their weight loss journey.

About Our Program

Angie Johnston, NP will see patients for consultations, follow-up appointments, and injection administration appointments at our Monroeville office on Thursdays during office hours. 

Our program is not for patients interested in a quick fix or a crash diet. We’ve built a program with resources and tools that is a lifestyle modification and offers long-term results. 

This will be a 6-month program. Here are the requirements:

  • Patient’s must have less than a 30 BMI. BMIs of 27-30 must have other comorbidities.
  • All patients must attend a primary consultation: (30 minutes).
    • Our NP will conduct an examination of the patient’s medical and physical history. We will screen for symptoms and signs of bulimia and anorexia.
    • We will take the patient’s height and weight measurements.
    • Our NP will perform an exam of vital signs.
    • Our NP will write a script for lab work to test for pregnancy, pre-albumin, CBC, CMP, and Lipase.
    • We will take benchmark measurements of the waist, arms, and thighs to track progress throughout the program.
  • Following week appointment: (30 minutes)
    • Lab interpretation
    • Administer the patient’s first set of injections.
  • Weekly appointments: (30 minutes)
    • Our NP will administer patients’ semi-glutide injections. 
    • During these weekly meetings, our NP will cover:
      • Initial meeting
      • Protein intake
      • Activity
      • Revisit goals
      • Meal planning
      • Portions
      • Support system
      • Sleep
      • General feelings of weight loss
      • Anxiety

Throughout the 6-month program, we’ll take the patient’s weight and measurements every month. 


A Focus on Long-Term Success

An essential part of our process that differs from other practices’ is our focus on creating sustainable weight loss and a comprehensive plan for maintaining the weight loss. Regaining weight can be hard on the body and can be mentally very difficult on patients. We’re partnering with Lesli Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, and LDN, to make diet and exercise pillars of our program. Semi-glutides are a great tool for making appetite more manageable, but during this time, patients should be focusing on how to adapt their lifestyle to these smaller portions, focusing more on prioritizing greens and proteins, and getting active.

Request to Join Our Program

We are now accepting patients! If you’re interested in a lifestyle change and utilizing semi-glutides for weight loss through a physician-monitored program, reach out to schedule your initial complimentary consultation.